View license def SetInfo(userName=None): 'Attempts to change the current users comment, then set it back' if userName is None: userName=win32api.GetUserName() oldData = win32net.NetUserGetInfo(server, userName, 3) try: d = py() d = 'Test comment' win32net.NetUserSetInfo(server, userName, 3, d) new = win32net.NetUserGetInfo(server, userName, 3) if str(new. Securit圜ritical] // auto-generated internal static int CreateWellKnownSid( WellKnownSidType sidType, SecurityIdentifier domainSid, out byte. Of 5 - Cannot end csrss.exe, winlogon.exe processes - please help remove infection - posted in Virus, Trojan, Spyware, and Malware Removal Help: Hi, thanks for your help.